Friday, July 10, 2009

And The Good Shall Triumph

Wonder why so many works of fiction, be it science, fantasy or crime, from Star Wars to Harry Potter to Hardy Boys, are all about the victory of the good over the evil. Why? Because people are essentially good people. They would always want the good to win, they believe the good shall win, even if they themselves indulge in bad practices once in a while. Coming across stories with the triumph of Good over Evil only reaffirms their faith in goodness.


  1. I remember reading this theory by some philosopher. He propounds morality as a weapon the weaker people use to guard them against the stronger. The weaker are just as naturally inclined to crime as strong, but their weakness encourages them to 'behave prudently' and therefore to prefer virtue and 'moderation'. I believe it was Nietsche.
    Moreover, in today's complicated world, where people have n clashing motives and ambitions, how do we even decide what is evil and what is not? Is taking a revenge evil? Is RGing evil? and so on...

  2. I believe morality cannot be decided in absolute terms. Moreover its not the weak but the strong who have the courage to keep themselves from straying down the wrong path, which is usually more enticing.

  3. I agree with the first comment to the extent that morality is a facade behind which people hide to prevent societal dysfunction. But then the question of morality itself implies existence of free will - the concept of true choice over our actions. Being a determinist myself, I believe choice does not exist and that we are not, morally or otherwise, responsible for our actions. The illusion of good and evil is just an illusion. People delude themselves into thinking they have a choice and the power to change things from the way they are. It is this belief that is reaffirmed when they see good triumph over evil.
